• Question: can females ejaculate

    Asked by obionekanobi to Gemma on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gemma Sharp

      Gemma Sharp answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      This is an interesting question. It kind of depends on what you class as ejaculate really. Male ejaculate contains semen and sperm cells, obviously female ejaculate wouldn’t contain sperm, but some people do say females can ejaculate something when they orgasm.

      There’s some debate about where it comes from, and even if it actually happens. It might come from the ‘paraurethral ducts’ by the urethra, and the muscular contractions of the vagina during orgasm might squeeze it out. Since there’s not really anywhere where this ejaculate might be stored before it comes out, it’s likely that if women report a large volume of ejaculate, it probably contains quite a bit of urine.

      As far as I know there haven’t been any truly scientific studies to find out whether or not females can ejaculate. Most the studies that have been conducted have been via questionaires. The problem with that is different women will have different definitions of ejaculating. Some scientists have analysed samples of ‘female ejaculate’ to see if it is just mainly urine, but no-one has reached a conclusion yet.
