• Question: HI again! thanks for answering my question! i was just wondering is there any cure or some sort of help that can be given to women to help them get to 40 weeks in their pregnancy? I was 9 weeks early myself so i will be excited to find out!

    Asked by caityhope to Gemma on 20 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gemma Sharp

      Gemma Sharp answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      This is a brilliant question, well thought-out question, thanks 🙂

      There’s no 100% effective way to stop women giving birth prematurely unfortunately. There are some things that help in some women though:

      Cervical cerclage – a giant stitch in the cervix to hold it together and keep the baby in. This doesn’t work for everyone, and particularly not if the mum has twins.

      Antibiotics – a lot of babies are born prematurely because the mother has an infection. Antibiotics can be given to the mother to clear up the infection, but it’s not yet clear whether or not that will stop the baby being born prematurely.

      Progesterone – a hormone that relaxes the uterus and stops contractions can be given as a drug to women at risk of premature labour, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

      Tocolytic drugs – drugs that stop contractions once they’ve started can delay labour for a bit, but it’s only temporary.

      9 weeks is very early, so good on you! Do you know if you had to stay in hospital for a long time after you were born? You must’ve been a fighter! 😉
