• Question: How strong is an atom bomb now compared to the ones used in world war 2? If your short sighted can your eyes return to normal again?

    Asked by crazyfool to Aime, Akshat, Diana, Gemma, Judith on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Judith McCann

      Judith McCann answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      The strength of nucleur bombs is measured in its equivalent destructive power to TNT (trinitrotoluene) in Kgs. Hirosima and Nagasaki bombs were 20kilotons, whereas the bombs that are around now are around 200-300kiltons (the same power as 20,000,000 kgs of TNT).

      Basically, the restraining feature in the strength of the bombs used in WW2 was size, they were 5tons and 3 metres long and had to be carried by really big planes. Scarily, bombs now can be really powerful and fit in a suitcase.

      The eyesight thing! short-sigtedness is mainly caused by the lens inside your eye not being able to change shape to bend the light that passes into the eye enough to focus the image on the retina (back wall of your eye). Laser eye surgery can be used to change the shape of the lens but if your eyes are still getting worse the treatment will not last long.

      I don’t think there is a way your eyes can get back to normal without treatment- I wear glasses but I quite like them!!

    • Photo: Gemma Sharp

      Gemma Sharp answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Good answers to both questions from Judith 🙂 I don’t wear glasses, but sometimes I wish I did because I think they look cool!

    • Photo: Akshat Rathi

      Akshat Rathi answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      You know now how the strength of a bomb is measured from Judith’s answer. The most powerful bomb ever built is 2500 times more powerful than the ones used in the WWII. It is called Tsar Bomba (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Bomba).

      As for short-sightedness, Judith is right about laser surgery and the fact that if you are still getting worse then the treatment won’t last. This is the reason why it is advised that laser surgery should not be done at an age younger than 18 years.

    • Photo: Aimé Fournier

      Aimé Fournier answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Ditto. But, why are there 22000 warheads in the world?
