• Question: if, for the rest of your life you could see things in only one colour, but in different shades, which colour would it be??? actually, i reckon you shouldn't just say that like red is a colour and vermillion is a shade of red. tbh, vermillion is a colour of it's own. there are similar colours but it's a colour. it's not a shade of red. its vermillion. tbh, do u think it should just be that everything that is a slightly different shade is a different colour because i guess technically it is???? p.s. twilight sucks

    Asked by dobby to Gemma on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gemma Sharp

      Gemma Sharp answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Here we go again…

      I’d choose green because it’s my favourite colour, and a lot of my experiments require me to be able to see green and red fluorescence (well, as detected by a computer), so at least I’d be able to understand half my results. Actually, thinking about it, if I can only see green maybe I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between fluorescent green and the (normally) black background… Still, maybe I’d be able to see the red bits as a darker shade of green anyway. Who knows?

      Thanks for the (completely random as always) question 😉
