• Question: If you had to go to any event to advertise your theory where would it be?/

    Asked by sawyer to Aime, Akshat, Diana, Gemma, Judith on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gemma Sharp

      Gemma Sharp answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Scientists go to conferences to present their results to other scientists and get their opinions on what they’ve done.

      When I started my PhD most people in my lab went to a conference in Miami and got to spend at least one day on the beach, so I wish I could’ve gone to that one! Next year the same conference is being held in Orlando, so I’m going to try to get some results to present by then 😉

      I guess if I could pick any city to go to a conference in it would be Tokyo. I’ve never been to Japan, but it’s top of my list, and I could enjoy my free time seeing the sights.

    • Photo: Aimé Fournier

      Aimé Fournier answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Big science conferences get you a lot of exposure e.g., the American Geophysical Union or the European Geophysical Union. Small ones allow for better discussion among specialists.

    • Photo: Judith McCann

      Judith McCann answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Same, conference. Scientists present their work in talks and people make posters of their work and they generally have a lot of chances to talk to other people in each field. Conferences can be really specialized (I went to a biomedical polymers conference) or really general (my university has a postgraduate conference-where all students get a chance to present their work, its good practice and really good fun!)

    • Photo: Diana Samuel

      Diana Samuel answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      I’ve been to a few conferences and seminars, and have found them to be extremely useful not only for sharing my research (and that of my lab group) with others but also for getting insight from others on how to make improvements or expand the project. If I had to pick an event, it would probably be my secondary school; aside from giving me the chance to catch up with all of my old teachers, I could present my work to the students in a school assembly, and invite them to ask me questions about my research and life as a scientist – kind of like a live version of this competition!
