• Question: okay. there is a huge virus on the web and you can save one webpage. you cannot save an entire website and any links on the webpage will be disabled. this will be the one webpage left forever and will be preserved for eternity. which webpage do you choose???? p.s. twilight sucks

    Asked by dobby to Gemma on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gemma Sharp

      Gemma Sharp answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Dobby, seriously, how do you come up with these questions?!

      Right…so, if I can only save one webpage and the links are disabled then I guess I’d want a webpage that would tell someone (someone else, I’m not doing it!) how to rebuild the internet. So, I’d go for: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet it probably wouldn’t really help them much, but maybe they could get some hints in the right direction. That, or just get depressed reading how great the internet was before it was reduced to a single webpage… about the internet.

      p.s. I’m sensing you don’t like twilight
