• Question: why do your friends treat people bad like when you have aready started a power point and your friend says well tuth im doing it?

    Asked by cookiemonster14 to Akshat, Diana, Gemma, Judith on 22 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gemma Sharp

      Gemma Sharp answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Some times people are just annoying like that. It’s annoying, but it’s human nature unfortunately. People can be really competitive and will try to get in there before you sometimes. I think there are 2 sensible things you can do in response – you can either calmly tell them that you’re not gonna stand by and be treated like that, or you can just quietly go to yourself ‘whatever, it’s only a powerpoint’.

      I don’t do either of those mind. I’d probably get really annoyed by them in my head and moan and rant about them, but not say anything. That’s probably the worst option because you just end up getting upset but nothing ever gets done about it!

      Also see the answers to “why are people mean?” if you want to know more

      Good luck 😉

    • Photo: Judith McCann

      Judith McCann answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      People can be mean for no reason but there could be reason behind it so you should always try (just a small atempt) to be as nice as you can to them!

      With things like school work, its not always the case but if you do your work well people will notice (even if your not the one doing a presentation). If you think they’re being out of line though you should tell them-they may not realise and if you don’t point it out they will continue to do the same things!!

    • Photo: Diana Samuel

      Diana Samuel answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      In this instance, I’d use the term ‘friend’ lightly. It sounds like this individual has a bit of a complex, but we’ve all seen it before and probably still experience it – it probably occurs more often when you’re in school, but that doesn’t mean it stops when you leave! It can be really frustrating, especially when you’ve put so much time and effort into preparing the slides and feel as though you’re not getting the credit you deserve. It may be worthwhile talking to the individual and letting them know that you’re not happy with them taking over like that. If you feel like you’re not getting anywhere (and moreover if your grades depend on it), you might want to consider speaking to your teacher about it. You might feel like a grass, but at the end of the day your work shouldn’t suffer because of someone else.
